Sunday, September 7, 2008

Friday 30th August

Friday was a slow day around here, being so hot. We took up an invitation from Kathy's dad to drive us around a bit and show us some of the shops, so off we went to the MEC(outdoor store) and then to IKEA. The ikea was huge just walking through not really looking for anything in general took about 20 minutes. after that we all headed out for lunch.
After lunch and a bit of a sit down we both decided to go to the war museum, it was huge.
We ended up getting kick out at closing time having only see half the museum, and we had
spent 3 hours at that point.
Some of the exhibits where amazing, like the picture of me in the ground of four, that is a dead German soldier in the mud in front of me...

Next stop we drive around town and looked at some stuff and Sarah took lots of pictures, also looked at where i was to start work on the 4Th, station 13. Not sure why but most of the pictures on here are churches.

Home for dinner and then back to the Ottawa side to watch the fire works from the hot air balloon festival, the firer works where amazing better then what we normally see at home. Then went for over an hour in total, the pictures don't really do it justice.

The last picture i have included is of the car we drive around in, everyone asked what it was like as we said it had some rust in it. So here is the picture of it. it may look rusty but it get us around. don't think it would pass a Warrant at home but......

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